
MAT 2017 - Lewis and Clark College

Masters of Arts in Teaching: Art Education 

MFA 2015– University of Nevada Las Vegas

Masters in Fine Arts: Studio Arts

BA 2012 – Humboldt State University

Major in Fine Arts: Emphasis Photography, Minor in Art History

 Teaching Experience

1/23- current Lecturer, Cal Poly Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Courses Taught: Art Education Curriculum Design, and Student Teaching Secondary Education. 

12/21- current Art Educator​, Flex Online School, Beaverton, OR

Courses Taught: K-5 Tech Education, High school are including the following courses: Digital Arts, Photography, Computer Animation, Drawing 1 and 2, Mixed Media, Advanced Art.

08/19- 12/21  Art Educator​, Clackamas High School, Happy Valley, OR

Courses Taught: Ceramics, Mixed Media, Digital Photography, Art 1

10/18- 01/19 Art Educator, ​Sekolah Chiputra, Surabaya, Indonesia

Courses Taught: IB Visual Arts, 9th, 10th, 11th grade Art

08/16- 05/18 Art Educator​, Southridge High School, Beaverton, OR

Courses Taught: Darkroom and Digital Photography, Art 1, Ceramics

01/13- 05/15 Instructor of Record​, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Courses Taught: Darkroom and Digital Photography, Graphic Design


Photography- Darkroom, Digital and Alternative process’

2D -Printmaking (Screenprinting, Collagraph, Linocuts, Monotype), Painting (color theory, abstract), Basic Drawing, Mixed Media, Textile Design

Graphic Design- Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

Ceramics- Handbuilding, Wheel Throwing, Kiln Firing

Exhibitions (*Solo Exhibits)


The Body Project, Jailbreak Studios, Portland, OR. *

Femme Artist, Lolo Pass, Portland, OR. 


PNW 40, Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. 

Swoon, Jailbreak Studios, Portland, OR. *


Transpose, East Side International LA Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. 

PDX30, LightBox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. 


Las Vegas Fashion Council and Art Live Auction, Las Vegas, NV.

Swoon, Sin City Gallery, Las Vegas, NV*

Nude Survey, The 705, Las Vegas, NV.


Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year for the Visual Arts Department in the College of Fine Arts. Nominated by Visual Arts Faculty, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 2014-2015. 

Graduate and Professional Student Association: First place in Fine Arts Research Forum 2014. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.  

Graduate and Professional Student Association Grant, Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2013. Research on body and mind connection, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.